Carve Strong, Shapely Leg and Butt Muscles With This 3-Move Bodyweight Workout

16/03/2019 - 11:45 AM

The secret to building leg muscle isn't actually a secret: it's just progressive overload [1]. And progressive overload is just what it sounds like: gradually upping the weight or resistance in your workouts, which ensures that your muscles keep growing and getting stronger.

That seems straightforward enough when you're working with weights [2], but it's also possible using just your bodyweight alone. Ashley Kelly [3], NASM, a certified personal trainer for Bach [4] in New York and a 2016 track and field Olympian, told POPSUGAR that to build strong leg muscles, you'll want to start by getting your form down with regular bodyweight exercises [5]. When those get easier, you can up the intensity by switching to single-leg moves [6], pulses, or plyometric [7] or jumping exercises. You can also hit the TRX machine [8] or strap on some resistance bands [9].

Check out the workout Ashley recommends, plus our suggestions for increasing the intensity as you get stronger. Remember to start with a dynamic warmup, like this one [10]. Then, complete 12 reps of each exercise for a total of three sets, with 30-second rests between sets. Follow the workout with a cooldown like this full-body stretching routine [11].

Traditional Bridge Exercise

Progressive overload options: single-leg bridges [12] or marching bridges [13].

Donkey Kicks

Progressive overload option: booty kicks with resistance band [14].

Walking Lunges

Progressive overload options: jumping lunges [15], side skaters [16], or elevated split squats [17].

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