It's a Bodyweight Workout You Can Print and Do Anywhere — No Excuses!

08/06/2018 - 11:45 PM

There are so many ways to strength train [1] — dumbbells, barbells, med balls, kettlebells — and we like them all. But bodyweight workouts are perfect for doing anywhere since you don't need any equipment they turn your body into a gym. We created this bodyweight workout to help you bust through any excuses holding you back: it requires no equipment, you can print it, and the moves are not complicated.

Click for a pintable PDF of this workout [2]. Keep reading for detailed explanation of the exercises.

Warmup: High Knees

Warmup: Jumping Jack

Warmup: Run in Place

Warmup: Invisible Jump Rope

Warmup: Quick Skip

Circuit One: Squat — 20 Reps

Circuit One: Squat Jump — 15 reps

Circuit One: Burpee — 10 Reps

Circuit 2: Mountain Climbers — 20 Reps

Circuit 2: Push-Up — 15 Reps

Circuit 2: Bridge — 10 Reps

Circuit 3: Alternating Back Lunge — 20 Reps

Circuit 3: Plié Squat — 15 Reps

Circuit 3: Heel Raises — 10 Reps

Core Work: Seated Russian Twist

Core Work: Elbow Plank

Core Work: Bicycle Crunch

Core Work: Superman

The basic Superman exercise targets your back and backside. Make this exercise even more challenging for your tush and hamstrings by squeezing an exercise ball between your lower legs.

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