Over 40 At-Home Exercises You Need For Your Best Bum Ever

25/01/2018 - 12:20 PM

Get ready to build out that booty and strengthen your body from the bottom up (get it?) with these at-home and gym-ready exercises. From no-equipment squats to kettlebell deadlifts to BOSU bridges, we've got your bases covered in a way that'll leave beginners and experts alike with a serious burn in the glutes.

Superman Lift

Superman Ball Lifts

Ball Planks With Leg Lifts

Lying Hamstring Curl

Straight-Leg Bridge With Stability Ball

Lying Butt Lifts

Single-Leg Bridge

Bridge on BOSU

Marching Bridge

Elbow Plank Donkey Kick

Donkey Kick With Weight

Booty Kicks With Resistance Band

Side Kicks

Curtsy Lunge

Crossover Lunge

Forward Backward Lunge

Glider Side Lunge

Side Lunge to Curtsy

Reverse Lunge With a Twist


Here are some more variations of the basic step-up [1].


Good Morning

Romanian Deadlifts

New to this? Then use a lighter pair of dumbbells until you get stronger — you don't want to strain your back. Already a pro? Then try doing it on just one leg.

Single-Leg Deadlifts

Single-Leg Toe Touch

Leg Balance Warrior 3

Warrior 3

Basic Squats

Dumbbell Squat

Squat With Overhead Reach

Basic Squat With Side Leg Lift

Around-the-World Squat Hop

180 Jump Squat

Wide Squat

Pulsing Sumo Squat

Sumo Squat Jump

Single-Leg Squat

Elevated Split Squat

Squat Thrust

Jump Squats

Gate Swings

Standing Booty Kicks

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