Over 30 Exercises That Work Your Booty Better Than Squats

06/06/2018 - 05:36 PM

Getting a bigger, tighter booty [1] is going to take more work than just doing standard barbell squats. You're going to need to make sure you're eating right, working all the muscles in your butt [2], and constantly changing the amount of sets and reps [3] to avoid hitting a plateau. Commit to a stronger, bigger booty with these sculpting moves.

Side Steps With a Booty Band

Fire Hydrant

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Crossover Lunge

Traditional Bridge Exercise

Marching Bridge

Elevated Split Squat

Glider Side Lunge

Single-Leg Bridges

Single-Leg Deadlifts

Romanian Deadlifts

Single Leg Squats

180 Squat Jumps

Superman Ball Lifts

Lying Hamstring Curl

Bulgarian Split Squat

Wall Sit

Squat Jacks

Lunges on a Ball

Dumbbell Walking Lunges


Curtsy Lunge

Hex Bar Deadlift

Weighted Donkey Kick

Hamstring Curls

Lateral Band Walks

Forward Backward Lunge

Squat Thrust

Standing Booty Kicks

Side Skaters

Single-Leg Touch and Hop

Lunge Jumps

Split Lunge Jumps

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