Get Ready to Run a Personal Best With This 9-Move Strength-Training Workout

27/07/2018 - 05:24 PM

One of the best things you can do as a runner is cross-train [1]. A few ways to cross-train are swimmming, riding the stationary bike, using the elliptical, and strength training. Cross-training will give a change of scenery (no more burnout), provide a change of training modality to improve performance, and help prevent injuries that may arise from overuse.

By incorporating strength-training sessions into your current running plan [2], not only will you prevent injuries, but you'll also improve your speed. You'll notice that parts of your race and training you may have been struggling with — like running hilly routes — will feel a lot easier thanks to your new strength routine.

Ahead is a total-body strength program [3] that will activate and strengthen your glutes, core, and arms — all necessary to becoming a better, more efficient runner. If you're new to weightlifting, take each move slowly, focusing on your form instead of how quickly you can complete each exercise. Don't forget to warm up [4] and cool down [5] before and after your workout. Do this workout two to three times a week for a minimum of four weeks to really reap the benefits.

Side Steps With a Booty Band

Traditional Bridge Exercise

Elbow Plank

Single-Leg Deadlift

Dumbbell Walking Lunges

Basic Push-Up

Core: Bird Dog

Side Plank

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