Forget Pricey Spa Days: Here Are 14 Cheap (or Free!) Ways to Practice Self-Care

09/05/2019 - 11:13 PM

Self-care is a little different for everyone [1]. It's whatever you as an individual need to boost your mood or take care of your mental health. Your version of self-care can be anything you need it to be, whether it's going to therapy [2] or refining your beauty routine [3]. There's no rule, though, that says self-care has to be expensive [4]. In fact, there are plenty of things you can do to make yourself happy [5] that cost little to nothing but time. We've come up with a few ideas you can try out or use as inspiration to find your own self-care ideas [6]. Keep reading to see them all.

Go For a Walk

Getting outside and going for a walk is a great mood-booster [8]. The fresh air will help clear your head, while moving around during the day helps improve circulation.

Listen and Sing Along to Your Favourite Music

Music probably makes you happy, but to give yourself an extra boost, try singing along to your favourite band or singer. Studies have shown that singing can help relieve anxiety [9] and releases endorphins [10].

Write in a Journal

If you have a lot of thoughts swirling around in your head, try writing them down [11]. Studies have even shown that the long-term positive effects of writing [12] can include improved mood and less anxiety.

Watch Your Favourite Show or Movie

Screens can be self-care, too, if it means firing up your TV or computer, finding a show or movie you truly love, and just enjoying it for a little bit.

Spend Time With Friends

You don't have to do anything huge or expensive when you hang out with your friends. By just spending time with them, you're raising your levels of oxytocin [13], which is the hormone that takes over when you're happy.

Take a Nap

If you're feeling worn out, snuggle down in your bed and doze off for a bit. A short nap can increase your mental capacity [14] and make your brain a little sharper.

Take a Bath

If you've got a bath tub, using it can be a great form of self-care. Studies have shown that taking a bath, as opposed to a shower, can reduce fatigue and stress and even make you smile more [15].

Treat Yourself to Something Sweet

When you're trying to lose weight or simply eat healthier, a cheat day can keep you from feeling deprived [16] — but that's not the only reason you should allow yourself a time and place to indulge in your favourite treat. If it brings you joy, it's worth having every so often.

Call Someone Important

Whether it's your parents, a significant other, or your best friend, calling someone you love can provide a distraction when you need it or help you talk through whatever is going on in your head.

Read a Book

Reread one of your favourites or pick up a new book you're intrigued by. Either way, reading can take you to a whole new world [17] and away from your current stressors.

Sit in Silence

This idea isn't for everyone, but it could work for you. Try turning off all your electronics and even the lights, and just sit in a room and be alone with your thoughts. You don't need to meditate if that's not your thing. Just be.

Cook Yourself a Meal

Not only will you feel accomplished (and full) after cooking, but studies even show that getting creative can boost your mood all the way into the next day [18].


The benefits of meditation are practically endless. If you find yourself needing something simple and cheap to take care of your mental wellbeing, practicing meditation can reduce stress and anxiety and help you sleep better [19].

Do a Craft

Like reading and watching TV, crafting is another activity that can take your mind off something and keep your hands occupied. You don't have to be artistic to DIY [20] something you have lying around your house.

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