Bookmark This: All of the Doctor's Appointments You Need to Have Regularly

16/03/2018 - 08:05 PM

If you've ever felt like you're the only person in the world who's either afraid to go to the doctor, or you simply have a difficult time prioritizing routine appointments, you're not alone. A study conducted by three doctors in 2015 found that over a third of respondents avoided going to the doctor for one reason or another [1], even if they had symptoms or were long overdue for a visit to their family physician.

The reasons for avoidance were complex and nuanced, but no matter what it all boils down to this: going to the doctor for routine appointments is super important when it comes to preventative care and general health. We challenge you to read through this list of doctor's appointments you should have every year and then schedule them all. You'll be more aware of your health and therefore feel more in control of it.

More Than Once a Year

Once a Year

Every 2 Years

Every 3 Years

Every 5 Years

Every 10 Years

Other Appointments

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