This Simple College Fitness Routine Got Me Back In Shape After My Freshman Year

23/07/2019 - 08:35 PM

I expected a lot of things to change during my freshman year of college, but to be honest, my body wasn't one of them [1]. I'd been an athlete my whole life and my weight was one of the few things I hadn't been self-conscious about growing up. Once I wrapped up my final high school softball season, I started running every day, dodging tourists on the boardwalk by the beach and flying down the canyon trails in my neighbourhood.

At school, for a while, the whole running thing worked. My new roommate and I bonded by jogging around the campus in the perfect fall weather. I joined my school's recreational running club and ran my fastest half marathon [2] ever that December: an hour and 39 minutes. It was a gold standard that, a few weeks later, I realised I would never beat, because suddenly my body didn't feel so good anymore.

I'd done the stupid runner thing and sprinted headfirst into overuse injuries: knee pain [3] and shin splints [4]. Defeated, I turned to the gym, but only knew how to use the simplest cardio machines, which were boring and made my knee issues worse. Meanwhile, I continued to enjoy endless dining hall food and late night burritos to their fullest extent.

Slowly, I started to notice changes in my body. My legs started getting thicker and there was some extra weight around my belly. I only gained a few pounds, and really, the changes were small and probably nothing out of the ordinary. I knew my body was bound to change after high school, but I could tell that I was getting out of shape. I could feel it. I was tired and lethargic, my body felt weaker, and I compensated by eating, especially at night, keeping myself awake to finish papers and problem sets. Without running as my outlet, my stress levels mounted, compounded by feelings of self-consciousness about my body.

I stayed on campus after school let out in June, working two jobs. It was a long, scorching summer, and with almost all of my friends gone, I used the huge new chunks of free time to revive my tired, ineffective workout routine. Besides the running, I was starting more or less from scratch.

My College Fitness Routine

By some miracle, I stumbled into a well-balanced fitness routine that helped me tone my body, stabilise my mental health, and not only get back into shape but become stronger (and more confident) than I had been before college. This was my weekly schedule:

What I Would Change About My College Fitness Routine

Did my fitness routine work? Yes. I firmed up my body, lost some fat [11], and for the first time in my life, started getting abs [12]. The best part was that I liked my weekly schedule, so much that I actually continued doing this same exact routine until I graduated three years later. It kept me in shape and, more importantly, helped me deal with stress and stay sane as the workload ramped up.

But my routine wasn't perfect, and I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to other people without one main change: more strength training, which not only builds muscle but can also boost your metabolism [13] and help you lose weight [14]. I would replace my bodyweight cardio workout with another strength session, and might swap out a run or swim session too. And once I'd built up a strong foundation through bodyweight workouts, I would've started adding weights. This is one of my current favourite strength workouts, a full-body dumbbell session [15] that I like to do at least once a week.

Still, from my bodyweight HIIT workouts, I got a taste of what feeling strong physically could do for me mentally. Suddenly, I had upper body strength. I could do push-ups! I could do tuck jumps [16]! I felt strong and capable in my workouts and it actually made me more confident academically and socially. I had more energy. I was more present. I just felt really, really good.

I had a long way to go and a lot left to learn, but I realised a few key things that summer, which I'd offer to anyone else trying to create their own fitness regimen in college.

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