The Reason You Should Stop Doing Crunches, According to an Expert

10/07/2018 - 01:55 AM

Whether you work out every single day or hit the gym every blue moon, you're probably familiar with the popular ab exercise crunches [1]. If you had to take a guess, how many crunches do you think you've done in your lifetime? Hundreds? Thousands? You more than likely did them in your high school gym class, during a quick Stuart McGill [2], PhD, found that crunches and sit-ups place 3,300 newtons (340 kilograms/749.60 pounds) of compressive force on the spine [3] when it's in a flexed position. The repeated force of crunches can cause the discs in your back to bulge (the gel nucleus of the disc bulges), pressing on nerves causing lower-back pain and potentially causing a herniated disc. Whether you're a regular at the gym or love to do cardio dance workouts [4] every now and then, a disc injury can sideline you for quite some time.

If you're currently experiencing lower back pain or would rather not run the risk for injury, Dr. McGill came up with the "Big 3" exercises [5] to strengthen the core, focusing specifically on stability and control. If you're looking to expand your repertoire of ab exercises that are back-friendly, consider the following moves for a strong core and a healthy back.

Side Bridge

Both the side bridge and side plank are great for building strength in the transverse abdominis [7] and other muscles used to stabilize the spine. If you cannot hold a side plank or if engageing the abdominal wall causes pain, start with the side bridge.

If you can maintain a side bridge without pain, progress to the side plank.

Side Plank

Bird Dog

Bird Dog spares the spine of high compressive loads and targets not only the lower-back muscles but also works the hip extensors, like the glutes and the hamstrings.

Standing Ab Rollout

Mountain Climbers

Plank With Shoulder Tap

Elbow Plank

TRX Knee Tucks

Circling Plank

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