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Does Eating Fruit Cause Weight Gain?

Will Eating Fruit Make You Gain Weight? These Experts Set the Record Straight

Because of the low-carb craze, fruit has gotten a bad reputation. Workout fanatic and meal prep queen Amanda Meixner, known as meowmeix on Instagram, is here to set the record straight.

She said that if someone is telling you that eating fruit is the reason you're gaining weight, to "slap a banana in their face 🍌 Lol jk." She said having the right portion of fruit is a great part of a healthy diet. It won't make you gain weight — overconsuming your daily calories will. And although fruit contains sugar (fructose), not all sugar is bad, and fruit also contains vitamins, minerals, and fibre, so it offers energy, boosts your immune system, and helps you feel full.

Amanda brings up a 2011 study, where "researchers asked one group of volunteers to decrease consumption of all sugars, including fruits, while another group were asked to decrease added sugars only. The group who ate less fruit and sugar lost weight (6.5 lbs), but the group consuming fruit but less added sugar lost even more weight (9 lbs)."

So now you know you should be eating fruit each day, and that it can keep you healthy and help you lose weight, but how much should you eat? Registered dietitians Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD, of Whole Health Nutrition, and Stephanie Clarke and Willow Jarosh of C&J Nutrition both agree to aim for just two cups or fewer of fruit (or two servings) — that will help keep your carbs to between 50 and 60 grams. Choose fruits that are lower in sugar, such as raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries.

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