Get Strong and Fast With This 30-Minute Core, Glute, and Back Workout For Runners

10/09/2019 - 07:35 PM

If you're a runner, you know that nailing distance and speed isn't just about putting in time on the track, treadmill, or sidewalks. This strength-focussed workout with weights can help you improve your running mechanics, which translates to a more efficient stride pattern and a better running posture, said Ashley Kelly [1], a NASM-certified personal trainer at Bach [2] and an Olympic track and field runner.

Whether you run for speed, distance, or just for fun, there are a lot of factors that go into getting faster, stronger, and more comfortable as a runner. Ideally, focusing on your glute, core, and leg strength is a part of it. Your glutes initiate the hip extension you need to take a stride; your transverse abdominus [3] stabilizes your spine and core to maintain form and posture; and your hamstrings and calves motor you forwards with every step. You'll also notice there are a lot of single-leg exercises in this workout. To be an efficient runner, Ashley explained, you need to be able to stabilise your body on just one leg every time you stride.

That's all a long way of saying that this running-targeted strength workout will help you improve your mechanics to become a stronger, more efficient runner, and that has its own rewards. A more efficient stride means less energy used and better performance in terms of speed [4] and comfort. In other words, improving your form can help you run faster and longer [5] and feel better doing it.

30-Minute Dumbbell Workout For Runners

Equipment needed: Two pairs of dumbbells, one pair of medium to heavy weight (here's how to choose the right weight [7]) and one pair of three to five pounds.

Directions: Start with a dynamic warmup like this one [8]. Then, complete the following workout as a circuit, completing the set number of reps for each exercise and then starting over from the top for three full rounds. Take a rest of 60-90 seconds between each round. Finish with a full-body stretching session [9].

Exercise Reps
Single-leg deadlift with single-arm press and hip flexion 6 on each leg
Bent-over row 12
Walking overhead lunge 12 steps
Reverse fly 12
Single-leg bridge 6 on each leg
Dumbbell arm swing 30 seconds

Keep reading for the details on each move.

Single Leg Deadlift With Single-Arm Press and Hip Flexion

This one-sided deadlift variation works your glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, and core.

Bent-Over Row

This exercise targets your core, lat muscles on the sides of your back, and rhomboids in your upper back. For this move, "really squeeze your shoulder blades," Ashley told POPSUGAR. "Imagine you are squeezing a penny between your blades."

Walking Overhead Lunge

This lunge variation hits your upper and lower body at the same time, targeting your quads and hamstrings, obliques, and trap muscles in your back. Keep your core engaged throughout the move. Avoid shrugging your shoulders, and act like you're pulling your shoulder blades down your back to activate and engage your lat muscles, which are the broad muscles at your mid-back.

Reverse Fly

Hit your upper back muscles and your core with this move. If it's too challenging to keep your arms straight, Ashley recommended bending them at the elbows.

Single-Leg Glute Bridge

This glute bridge variation hits major muscles in your lower body, including your glutes, quads, and the muscles along your inner thighs. "Once your hips are in the lifted position, try to keep them square," Ashley said. "Do not dip at the waist or lean to one side."

Dumbbell Arm Swings

This exercise reinforces the arm swing motion you want to have while running, Ashley said. "This is where you get the most power out of your arms."

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