10 Moves, 1 Easy No-Equipment Bodyweight Workout That'll Make You Sweat All Over

20/08/2018 - 07:40 PM

As a pilates instructor [1], I am all about bodyweight workouts. In fact, I rarely use any weights above 3 pounds and have been able to maintain a healthy weight and muscle tone [2] through my 20s and into my 30s. The key is knowing how to use your body weight and gravity against you to build lean muscle, decrease inches, and improve strength all at the same time.

Balancing your workout and making sure you have at least one exercise for every major muscle group is part of a well-rounded program. By following these top core [3], upper body and lower body exercises, you'll have the perfect go to indoor workout.

Dead Bug Crunch

This pilates exercise works on core strength [4] and coordination, and helps to flatten your stomach and tighten your abs.

One Leg Bridge

Take a traditional glute bridge [5] to the next level by isolating one leg at a time. Tone your glutes, quads, hamstrings and lower back while putting minimal strain on your knees.

Inner Thigh Pulse

Shape and lengthen your hard to reach inner thighs [6] with this simple pilates-based exercise. It's great for anyone who has knee or foot injuries, but still wants to strengthen their legs.

Tricep Dips

Many women will list the back of their upper arms as a problem area and in reality, we don't use our triceps nearly as much as some of the other muscle groups. Isolating your triceps [7] through exercise is one of the only ways to achieve toned arms.

Spiderman Plank

This plank variation [8] gets its name for mimicking the way Spiderman can scale up and down buildings. As far as fitness goes, it works your core and obliques, and adds in upper body and thigh work to make it a total body exercise.

Wall Sit

This exercise is harder than it looks and can be made even more challenging by extending your arms out in front. Strengthen your glutes [9], thighs, hamstrings, hips and core anywhere you can find space on your wall.

Walking Push-Up

As if regular push-ups [10] weren't hard enough, take them to the next level by adding in some additional upper body movement to tone your shoulders, chest, triceps and core.

Warrior 1

Yoga poses [11] not only tone and strengthen your body, but they also improve your balance, flexibility and circulation. This pose is no exception helping to lengthen your hips, thighs, and shoulders in the process.

Single Leg Circles

Leg circles can be completed down on the mat or in the standing position. They help to tone your thighs [12] and all the muscles in the your upper leg, while putting minimal strain on your hips, knees, ankles and feet.

High-Low Plank

Tone your triceps and core [13] with this awesome plank variation. Beginners can start on your knees and build up to being on your toes.

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