Oh, Trust Us! This Simple Bodyweight Workout Will Make You Sweat

08/08/2018 - 12:47 AM

The key to a good full-body workout [1] is finding exercises that build on each other, are complementary, and don't overtax certain areas and neglect others. Whatever shape you are in, bodyweight exercises will make you seriously work, without the hassle of having to go to the gym for tools or spend a ton of money to get them at home.

These 12 essential moves [2] craft the perfect workout for your fitness goals, no matter what they are. If you put them all together and do two rounds, you'll have a great full-body workout. And if you mix a little bit of high-interval work [3] — 30-90 seconds of work and 15-30 seconds of rest — you'll seriously (seriously!) feel it.

Basic Squats

Once you have the basic squat down [4], it can be used in a multitude of ways. For variety, you can step your feet out more for wide squat variations like sumo [5] and plié [6], or you can bring your feet together for a narrow squats.

Jump Squats

When you are ready to elevate your squat game [8], pun intended, add a plyo element [9] to increase both intensity and cardio output.


Burpees [10] are such a hated exercise [11], but all good bodyweight workouts have them. They have all the elements you need, including high cardio demand, muscular recruitment from multiple areas, and variable intensity.

Gate Swing Squats

Gate swing squats add in a lateral motion that is different than the standard squat [12]. This allows for targeting of new areas of the lower body, namely the inner thigh, groin, and outer glutes.

Jump Lunges

Lunges are elemental leg exercises [13] that your glutes and hamstrings love to hate. They also build knee and ankle stability, especially in this variation where a plyo element adds in extra cardio and intensity.


These are the ultimate glute buster [14] exercise. The side-to-side motion, plus a little air between your feet and the floor, create a tight booty [15].


Like the squat, the plank is the gateway exercise to several challenging and complex variations [16]. Once you master its form, you can take the plank anywhere [17].


Push-ups add in a dynamic muscular requirement to a plank setup. You can keep your wrists underneath your shoulders for a narrow push-up or take them outside your mat (along your chest line) for the old standard. In fact, there are several push-up variations [18] if you get bored.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a great way to work on your upper body and core strength while adding cardio [19] through the lower body. Start by stepping one knee in toward your chest at a time, then as you build up strength, you can run them in at a greater pace.

Plank Jacks

Plank jacks [20] are the best of both worlds, because they combine the strength building of a plank and the cardio of a jumping jack. Start by stepping your feet out and build to jumping both out at the same time.

Rolling Side Planks

This move takes the power of a plank and literally turns it on its side [21]. Start with a knee down and then progress to both legs being straight as you work up to it.

Bicycle Crunches

If you are going to add in a core exercise [22], it should be a complex one that utilizes both the front and side abdominals. As you gain strength, you can add variety by touching your knee to your elbow, then your fingers to your toes before switching sides. It's a real core challenge [23]!

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