You Can Do This Full-Body Workout Anywhere, and It’s Fast

15/11/2018 - 08:55 PM

Yes! You can work your entire body in 10 minutes. We know you're pressed for time but still want to fit in some fitness, so we made this fast bodyweight workout — you can do it anywhere. Bonus, made up of just five exercises, it's easy to follow.

Full-Body Workout

Equipment needed: None

Directions: After a quick two-minute warmup, do prescribed reps for each move in this five-exercise circuit. Complete as many circuits as many times as you can in eight minutes, taking breaks as needed to maintain good form. Cool down with two to three minutes of stretching [1].


Keep reading for detailed descriptions and images of each of these exercises.

To-the-Floor Burpee

Part cardio, part coordination, all grit — the burpee is a move that does it all so put your all into it.

Walking Lunges

Walking lunges not only work the back of the legs, but this exercise creates an active stretch for the hip flexors, making this an essential exercise for runners, cyclists, or anyone who sits for long periods of time.


This kicky move works your entire body — arms, glutes, abs. Plus, it's fun to do.

Elbow Plank With Hip Dips

Adding the dips to the elbow plank really targets the obliques and increases the mobility of your spine.

Diamond Sit-Ups

This sit-up variation puts your hip flexors at a disadvantage, forcing your abs to work harder.

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