You Can Absolutely Speed Up Weight Loss! A Beachbody Trainer Shares 3 Fitness Tips

14/12/2018 - 02:37 AM

You're eating a healthy diet, watching your calorie intake, and focusing on whole, unprocessed foods. That's the key to weight loss [1], but you can speed up your efforts by incorporating exercise. Beachbody supertrainer Autumn Calabrese [2], creator of 80 Day Obsession [3], shared these three fitness tips to help you find weight-loss success.

Increase the Intensity of Your Workouts

When you're working out, your body quickly adapts to the demands you place on it, which can result in a weight-loss plateau [4]. Keep your body guessing! "If you've been doing the same workout for months, it's time to up the intensity or change it up completely," Autumn suggested.

If you normally work out alone, find a class to take; you might be more inspired to push yourself harder. If yoga is your thing, mix things up and try barre. Or, if you're used to doing steady state cardio like running or biking, try doing HIIT training — it's been proven to burn more calories in less time [5] and to target belly fat [6].

Need some ideas? Here's a HIIT workout for weight loss [7] you can try, and this 20-minute workout targets belly fat [8].

Add Weights to Your Workouts

While bodyweight workouts [9] are easy to do anywhere and may be less intimidating than hitting the weights, if you want to build lean muscle and increases bone density [10], weight training is a must. Plus, depending on how you use the weights, if you move quickly, push yourself hard [11], and keep your heart rate up, weight training can also improve your cardiovascular strength and endurance.

Autumn is all about cardio strength training [12] because it's so effective and doesn't take much time to see results — it's one of her favourite forms of training. "Lean muscle takes up less room in your body, so while you're burning calories and fat and building muscle, you'll also be taking off the inches."

Here's a 40-minute HIIT workout that uses dumbbells [13], or, for a shorter workout, try this 30-minute workout [14].

Stay Consistent and Patient

You won't see results unless you stick with your workouts, and they won't happen overnight. "The best way to speed up your fat loss is to stay consistent [15] with your healthy eating, workouts, sleep, and self-care," Autumn said. "The more consistent you are, the faster the results will come."

Schedule workouts in ways that will keep you accountable. Pay for a gym membership that encourages you to go a certain number of times a week. Plan to meet a friend for a fitness class [16] or make an appointment with a trainer. If you know you can only fit in a sweat session after work, be sure to pack your gear the night before and bring it to work so you can head to the gym without having to go home first. View your workout time as important as appointments you'd make for the doctor or your therapist so you don't skip out!

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