If Life Doesn't Happen Without Coffee, You'll Relate to These Funny Memes

28/07/2018 - 01:30 PM

If your day is made possible by a daily run to your kitchen or Starbucks for coffee [1], these memes will speak volumes to you.

Best. poem. ever.

You don't need coffee for that (but it sure helps!).

Pants are important.

Ahh, awareness is a good thing.


Isn't it yours, too?


So hard.

Coffee = the key to my heart.

It's what's for lunch!

Coffee is liquid celebration.

What would we do without coffee?

Coffee is the best medicine.

Coffee is a necessity for the success of my social life.

Get me to the kitchen!

True love.

Safety first.

Both are equally important reasons to drink up.

Those few minutes of sipping in silence are crucial.

Decaf? Why?!

Yep, that'll do it.

(wink, wink)

Coffee first, always.

It totally counts!

It's not pretty.

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