10 At-Home, No-Equipment Exercises That'll Get You That Big, Big Booty

03/07/2018 - 05:00 PM

What if we told you that you can get a truly great butt that's also the foundation of a healthier set of legs all without leaving your home? Oh, you'd be interested? That's great because that's exactly why we're here.

We asked Sarah Chadwell, CPT [1], how to get a great butt workout at home, and she had plenty to say. "Your glutes, aka your butt muscles, are one of the largest, most powerful muscle groups in your entire body. They are also the most commonly underused muscle group [2]," she said. "Many of us sit on them all day and stretch the muscles out, which is bad because they go to sleep; they literally shut down. It's time to get those sleeping giants fired up so you don't end up with a flat butt."

Just like any other muscle group, if you want shapely muscles, you have to spend time focusing on working that particular group. Follow these 10 moves focussed on your backside.

Glute Bridges With Marching

Donkey Kicks

Curtsy Lunges

Body Weight Squats With Side Kicks


Reverse Lunges

Standing Kickbacks


Lateral Banded Walk

Bulgarian Split Squat

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