Kiss Your Extra Pounds Goodbye, Because This Workout Is Gonna Get Rid of Them For Good

18/05/2018 - 01:20 AM

Belly fat might be the most stubborn fat of all [1]. How can you beat it? There are a lot of reasons you may have a few more pounds around your middle than you'd like, but the key to beating it is consistent, smart training and nutrition [2]. We reached out to Sarah Chadwell [3], NASM, CPT, and natural bikini competitor, for some solid advice, and she told us that the matter of belly fat boils down to three burning questions:

  1. Is there a way to target belly fat?
  2. What can I do to expedite fat loss?
  3. What are the best exercises for losing belly fat?

Can I Target Belly Fat or Any Specific Areas of Fat?

Unfortunately, the simple answer is no. Chadwell told POPSUGAR: "Think of your body fat like an ice cube sitting on a counter top. It's one solid chunk that has to melt away in layers from the outside down to the centre. Your body fat works much the same way. You have to melt fat from all over down to the muscles."

What Can I Do to Expedite Fat Loss?

If you want a leaner middle, you've got to eat clean at least 85 percent of the time. This rule was hammered home by Chadwell, who said, "There is literally no way to out-exercise the fork. If you consistently eat crap, do not expect your body to repay you in kind. The fat is simply going to stay put."

What Are the Best Exercises For Losing Belly Fat?

When you first start exercising, you'll probably get results by just sauntering around the block with your neighbour gossiping. However, Chadwell told us that "at some point you'll plateau and the stubborn fat is still circling your midsection. The walking does help you build cardiovascular endurance, but now it's time to start scorching the fat with more intense-style workouts."

With that in mind, here are the very best moves you need to try to burn off the belly for good! You can thank us later.


Most bodyweight, calisthenic-style exercises can be considered a form of high-intensity interval training — if you are hustling! "I'm pretty sure that any time I utter the word burpee to a client, they hear it in slow motion . . . like it's a threat — B.U.R.P.E.E.E.E.E. If you are serious about burning the rubber off that spare tire, then get your mind wrapped around the benefits of burpees!" Chadwell said.

Kettlebell Swings

According to Chadwell, kettlebells are so underappreciated: "There are so many classic kettlebell exercises, like swings, that work and tone your entire body, including your core, plus they get your heart rate revved at the same time!"

Breakdancer Kicks

This exercise is great for core strength and joint mobility. "It strengthens and tones your abs, obliques, shoulders, arms, lower back, and legs while also improving your cardiovascular fitness," Chadwell said.

Weighted Walking Lunges

"All forms of exercise require the use of muscles. The more you exercise, especially using weight-bearing exercises, the more muscle you build. Those who have more muscle mass burn more calories even at rest," said Chadwell.


The deadlift uses the biggest muscle groups in your body and you want to use big muscle groups when lifting because those who lift heavy burn up a ton of calories both during their workout and for many hours the gym session. Plus, according to Chadwell, "when you have more muscle mass, your body will devour more energy trying to maintain that muscle mass, which means more calorie expenditure." What does that mean for you? You burn more fat all over.

Incline Interval Running on the Treadmill

You've got to be smarter with your cardio. According to Chadwell, "All you have to do to get more out of your cardio session is increase the incline on the treadmill to make your muscles work harder. Making your muscles work harder equals faster fat loss." If you want to kick it up a notch, try fasted cardio — where you wake up and complete your cardio before you eat. Try to do a 10-minute blast, alternating each minute from sprints to jogs to vary intensity.

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