Yes, Women Can Build Lean Muscle Quickly — These Experts Explain How

21/12/2021 - 12:05 PM

Woman does strength training to build muscle with a weighted ball.

There are no shortcuts for building muscle, but that doesn't mean you can't learn how to build muscle fast — you'll just need to implement a few key strategies and stay very consistent with your routine [1]. And no, before you ask, building muscle for women doesn't mean automatically mean you'll get "bulky". (Reminder: there's also nothing wrong with that.) You can build lean muscle, add muscle tone and strength, and look more defined with strategic training [2] and nutrition.

If you're looking to build lean muscle fast, it helps to know exactly what kind of timeline to expect. ACSM-certified personal trainer and registered dietitian Jim White, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios [3] in Virginia, said the average beginner can expect to gain two to four pounds of muscle in their first two months of training. To achieve these results and hit your muscle growth goals, follow this advice from these two experts, who are both registered dieticians and certified personal trainers.

How to Train to Gain Muscle

Although getting muscle gains is equal parts diet and exercise, how you train makes a big difference.

Muscle-building exercises to add to your workouts include:

If you're looking to get started, check out this beginner's four-week strength-training program [11].

What to Eat to Gain Muscle

Nutrition is also key when it comes to building muscle. You want to make sure you're fuelling your body properly to support your rigorous workouts and eventually see gains.

You also need to be eating in a calorie surplus to see those gains. Michael said that you need those extra calories to build new muscle tissue. "Women sometimes don't eat enough overall calories," she said. "When they are trying to build muscle, calorie intake is important!" She added that when you train hard but don't get enough calories, it makes you less likely to hit your goals and is more likely to have a negative impact on your bone density and lead to decreased immunity and mood disturbances.

And while protein gets all the attention for building muscle [15], carbs are just as, if not more, important [16].

Although you should meet with a registered dietitian to find out your exact calorie target for gains, White said about 300 calories more than your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is a good place to start to see muscle growth. As for your macros, he recommends focusing on carbs, with a general macro breakdown of 50 percent carbs, 30 percent protein, and 20 percent fat.

Building Muscle With Sleep and Rest Days

Although working out is important, you should be mindful of taking rest days [18], especially as you're just starting out. If you are strength training three days a week, spread out those days to every other day and throw in some cardio days or active recovery days in between. Rest days give your muscles time to rebuild and repair.

Also, sleep is crucial [19]. Make sure you are logging an average of seven hours a night; this also gives your body time to repair and recover. And if you're well-rested, you're more likely to head to the gym with energy and crush your workouts.

— Additional reporting by Maggie Ryan

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