9 Ways to Beat Your Sugar Addiction

17/06/2018 - 02:00 PM

It's hard enough trying to stay clear of sugar on a normal day, but factor in long, lazy weekends and it can seem damn near impossible. Not only do you have to worry about the over-abundance of confectionery, you also have to be aware of the sugar hiding in less obvious foods [1]. As hard as it might seem, kicking your sugar habit is beneficial in so many ways. Not only will you be losing weight by ridding your diet of calories that have no nutritional value, you'll be reducing the production of bad bacteria in your gut (which causes indigestion and constipation) and you'll be improving your mood overall because your brain wont be relying on "sugar highs" to beat the blues. If you're struggling to beat the sweet stuff, trainer and nutritionist at DW Fitness Clubs [2], Carly Tierney has 9 tips that'll help you detoxify your body [3] of the sweet stuff.

Learn Where It's Hiding

It's great you know that chocolate, cake, and cola are off limits, but sugar might still be impacting your diet because it can lurk in the least obvious places. Foods such as cereal [4], flavoured yoghurt, granola bars, fruit, ketchup, salad dressings, pasta sauces, and alcohol [5] can all have high sugar content, so make sure you read the labels.

Make Small Changes First

Rather than cutting sugar out completely and overwhelming yourself, perhaps start with your drinks. Make simple changes like losing the sugar in your tea [6], switching from squeezed orange juice to flavoured water [7], and start checking the sugar content in different brands of the same foods.

Don't Skip Breakfast

Breakfast keeps your blood sugar levels stable, meaning you're less likely to reach for that chocolate bar. An ideal breakfast would be a bowl of oats [8] or a couple of eggs [9].


Exercise helps to reduce stress levels [10], supports normal blood sugar levels, and leaves you feeling more energised [11], making you less likely to reach for sugary snacks.

Don’t Give Up Snacks

You may not be able to have a chocolate bar but that doesn't mean you can't snack regularly. Snacks like homemade protein balls [12] or fat-free Greek yoghurt [13] with berries and nuts are perfect.

Read the Labels

Familiarise yourself with the many names sugar is disguised as on food labels. Knowing your fructose from your sucrose will help you make more informed choices.

Save Up Your Sugar For the Good Stuff

Cutting down on sugar doesn't mean you'll never eat it again, it's just a simple process of reducing it in everyday foods and saving it for infrequent indulgences like slices of cake.

Buy Products That Are Unsweetened

Add more natural flavours such as vanilla, cinnamon, lemon, lime, and nutmeg, which are great for your waistline and just as tasty.

Stick With It

Giving up sugar can initially feel impossible, but you'll see progress and become more sugar savvy as you make more food swaps. Before long you'll start to notice that fresh foods taste better as your food habits change and your cravings naturally decrease.

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