This Is the Most Intense Push-Up Variation You'll Do to Sculpt Your Upper Body

29/01/2018 - 03:12 PM

Obsessed with push-ups [1]? Flip it over, and try this advanced version that will sculpt your upper back, arm, and shoulder muscles like no other exercise. Aside from strengthening your upper body, since this is a backbend [2], it's a great exercise for increasing spinal flexibility and core strength.

While this variation known as the backbend push-up may look harder than a regular backbend, it's actually is a little easier. Lowering your head gives your muscles a break, and straightening your arms will build up the strength you need in your upper back, shoulders, and arms to hold your body up.

Before attempting this bodyweight exercise, make sure to warm up your back by doing Camel [3] and Half Wheel [4]. This is an advanced exercise, so start out slow, and only progress to the next step as you're ready.

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