This 1 CrossFit Move Will Tone Your Legs and Burn Major Calories

20/03/2018 - 06:25 PM

Don't be intimidated by the box jump [1]! It may look scary, but once you try it, you'll feel so badass that you'll start to love them! It's a great exercise to tone your legs, butt, and core, and because it's a plyometric exercise, it's a great calorie-burning cardio move.

If you're new to box jumps, start off nice and easy, practising stepping onto the box [2] at first and then moving up to jumping. At the beginning, choose a low box that's under 12 inches high. You could even stack a few plates and jump on those as you progress. As you become more comfortable, you can build up to an 18-inch box, a 20-inch box, and maybe even a 24-inch box, depending on your jumping abilities and how tall you are.

Here's how to master the box jump.

Once you've nailed the basic box jump, here are a few variations to make it more challenging.

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