This Is the Strength Exercise You Should Do For Stronger Abs and Legs and Better Balance

14/12/2018 - 04:45 PM

My style of training is all about strength, power, and speed. There are so many things you can do with strength, but one of my favourite things to work on in my personal workouts and with clients is unilateral movements [1]. Why? Because you can isolate specific muscles and help reduce and eliminate muscular imbalances.

There are so many unilateral movements you can do such as pistol squats [2] and a single-arm chest press [3] (another great core move), and one of my favourites is the deadlift with a knee drive.

Deadlifts [4] are one of the best exercises you can do for overall strength. With the addition of the knee drive, you're forced to work on your balance and core strength. Put it all together, and you've got yourself an intense compound exercise [5] — multijoint movements that work groups of large muscle.

How to Do a Deadlift With a Knee Drive

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