This Is the Exercise You Should Be Doing For Stronger Lower Abs and Better Stability

20/12/2018 - 04:38 PM

Strengthening my abs [1] is one of the most important parts of my training. Not because I want to show off my hard work on a beach in Bali, but because I want to prevent injuries. I learned the hard way how important core strength and stability are when I injured my back and spent a lot of money on physical therapy.

During my physical therapy sessions, I learned that my core — specifically my transverse abdominis [2] — was weak and unstable, which meant my back was paying for it. Since getting injured, I've stepped up my core-strengthening game, and let me tell you, it's made all the difference.

One move that I like to do for strong abs is the hanging bicycle. It targets your rectus abdominis (aka the six-pack muscles), but you'll really feel it in the lower part of your rectus abdominis (aka your "lower abs").

How to Do a Hanging Bicycle

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