Grab Your Dumbbells — These Exercises Will Tone, Shape, and Strengthen Your Arms

19/01/2019 - 12:17 PM

Bodyweight exercises are great. Hello, push-ups [1]! To gain even more strength in your upper body, try adding dumbbells to your fitness routine. Adding weights to your arm workouts means you will start seeing muscle definition in your biceps, triceps, and shoulders (deltoid). We've rounded up a bunch of dumbbell exercises for you; select three to five of these moves to add to your strength-training workouts. Aim to work the different parts of your arms — don't just focus on your biceps!

We have a guide to selecting the right weights [2] for your workout, and do know that you might need different weights, depending on what muscle you are working and which exercise you are doing. Keep reading to learn how to work your arms with dumbbells. Now grab your weights and get lifting!

Biceps Curl

Possibly the most basic dumbbell exercise, the biceps curl is a great place to start.

Wide Biceps Curl

This biceps curl variation also works the deltoids to give you shapely shoulders and cut arms.

Right-Angle Biceps Curl

Try this variation seated, on the floor, or on an exercise ball for a change of pace.

Hammer Curls

This popular variation works the biceps for a slightly different angle than the basic biceps curl.

Overhead Shoulder Press

This is a great exercise for toning the shoulders.

Biceps Curl and Overhead Press

Why not add a curl to your press to work both your arms and shoulders?

Upright Row

Work your shoulders with the upright row; you can also do this exercise with a kettlebell.

Lateral Arm Raise

This is a classic move for creating shapely shoulders since it works the deltoids.

Dumbbell Front-Arm Raise

The front-arm raise works the front part of your deltoids.

Bent-Over Row

This exercise works the upper back and back portion of the deltoids.

Bent-Over Reverse Fly

Another multitasking move, this fly targets the upper back and the back of the shoulders.

Single-Leg Scarecrow

This exercise challenges your balance while working your shoulders. Start with a light weight, or no weights at all, as this move fires up the small rotator cuff muscles that keep the shoulder joints stable.

Triceps Kickback

This classic dumbbell exercise will tone the back of your upper arms.

Pilates Boxer

Work your shoulders and triceps at the same time with this move.

Overhead Triceps Extensions

This is a challenging way to work your triceps, and it fires up your core a bit too.

Skull Crushers

You'll be surprised how your triceps will burn after doing these skull crushers.

Plank Dumbbell Row

Add a row to a plank and you have a full-body exercise that targets the back, shoulders, and arms.

Plank With Row and Triceps Extension

Add a triceps extension to your plank with row to target the back of your upper arms.

The Biceps and Deltoid Squeeze

Work your upper body with this move; try it seated or standing.

Squaring It Off

Instead of wheeling your arms around without much effort, move your arms in a square motion, making stops at each corner. Your deltoids will feel the burn.

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