The Bodyweight Exercise You Should Be Doing For Stronger Legs and Better Stability

12/12/2018 - 04:03 PM

One key to strength training and building muscle is to make sure that your muscles are being challenged. If you never change the stimuli (weight, reps, sets, exercises), your muscles will adapt and eventually stop growing and getting stronger. Because our glutes are the biggest muscle group in our body (our quadriceps and hamstrings also top that list), it's important to have an arsenal of ways to work them.

Squats [1] are great for improving your lower-body strength and one of my favourite variations [2] is the pistol squat. It's a unilateral exercise [3] (a single-leg movement) that will help strengthen both sides of your body equally (goodbye, imbalances) and it will improve your strength and stability.

How to Do a TRX Pistol Squat

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