These Are the 7 Exercises You Need to Start Doing If You Want to Master a Push-Up

07/11/2018 - 11:18 PM

Mastering a standard push-up [1] may seem impossible, but I'm here to tell you that it's not. It may take some time, but I have faith that with practice and patience, you'll have them down in no time. To help you improve your upper-body strength and get acclimated to what a push-up will feel like, I suggest incorporating the following exercises into your upper-body workouts.

The Exercises

You don't need to do all the exercises at once, unless you really want sore arms the next day. Instead, begin to incorporate at least one push-up variation, the dumbbell bench press, bent-over row, and high plank into your workouts. Try to do these exercises a minimum of two times a week. You won't get them overnight, but within four to six weeks, you should find yourself a lot closer to performing a push-up. To learn how to do these seven exercises, keep reading.

High Plank

Dumbbell Bench Press

Trainer tip: use 15-pound dumbbells. If that's too heavy or too light, change the weight.

TRX Push-Ups

For this exercise, the closer your feet are to the anchor point, the harder the move will be. The closer you are to standing straight up, the easier it will be.

Bent-Over Row

Trainer tip: use 15-pound dumbbells. If that's too heavy or too light, change the weight.

Incline Push-Ups

Negative Push-Ups

Plank With Shoulder Tap

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