This Celebrity Trainer Shares His Go-To Moves For Carving Out a 6-Pack

28/07/2018 - 05:35 PM

A six-pack [1] may seem impossibly unattainable, but we promise you can get there with the right tips in your back pocket. As for how long it takes to see results, the answer really varies from person to person. It all depends on your body type and how much dedication you're willing to put in. According to celebrity trainer and BodyArmor spokesperson [2] Don-A-Matrix [3], whose clientele includes stars like the Kardashians and Fergie [4], some may see changes in as little as a month, whereas others may need to stick to a strict regimen of diet and exercise for six months. Unfortunately, there isn't a single timeline that applies to everyone.

Personal trainer Lauren Clare [5] always tells her clients that "abs are made in the kitchen." When it comes to decreasing body fat in your midsection, eating clean, whole foods and training regularly will help you make progress. Additionally, Lauren suggests working your abs in all directions, including flexion, extension, and core rotation.

Here are three moves that Don likes to incorporate into his ab workouts:

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