10 Fat-Loss Tips Straight From Beachbody Experts (So You Know They'll Work!)

09/04/2019 - 05:30 PM

Serious about losing fat but you don't know where to begin? We asked three Beachbody experts [1] to share their top tips. You'll read fitness tips from Beachbody supertrainer and creator of LIIFT4 Joel Freeman. We also tapped registered dietitian Ilana Muhlstein [2], MS, creator of Beachbody's 2B Mindset [3] nutrition program, for her tips on what and how to eat. And of course, we had to get insight from Beachbody supertrainer Autumn Calabrese [4], creator of 80 Day Obsession [5], for her tips on exercise and diet. Start incorporating these tips today, so you can start seeing results.

Hit the Weights

While spending hours on a treadmill or elliptical can torch a bunch of calories while you're doing them, Joel says they don't really create a sustained, post-workout burn. "If you want to lose fat (and weight), then you need to train with weights!" Joel told POPSUGAR. Since the recovery process from weightlifting is usually longer and more intensive, he explained, it in turn requires more energy and calorie burning than steady-state cardio [7] does. He added that "muscle is more metabolically active [8] than fat, so the more you gain from lifting weights, the more calories you'll burn all day long."

So how do you get started? "Find a trainer or streaming workout program that motivates you, and start light [9]," Joel suggested. If you're a weightlifting newbie, be sure to learn proper form before you start lifting heavy. "The better your form is, the more effective your training will be, the faster you'll reach your goals, and the fewer injuries you'll have along the way."

Easing into your training will also minimise the soreness that often comes with starting a new program, which can make you want to quit. "But don't let soreness deter you! Stretch, rest, hydrate, eat healthfully, and you'll recover quickly and optimise your results," Joel said.

Timed Nutrition

"What we put in our bodies really does determine what the results are going to be. You can't out-train a bad diet," Autumn said. "While it's fun to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, it's not likely to get you to your final results."

If you want to lose body fat [10], "timed nutrition [11], combined with portion control and balanced macronutrients [12], is a great way to do this." Timed nutrition is part of the 80 Day Obsession program and refers to eating every 2.5 to three hours spread out throughout the day with balanced macros at each meal [13]. For balanced macronutrients, Autumn likes a 40/30/30 split [14], meaning 40 percent healthy carbs, 30 percent lean protein, and 30 percent healthy fats.

This is what Autumn teaches with her colour-coded container system Portion Fix [15], which is a component of the 80 Day Obsession, as well as all of her other workout programs. It shows you how to measure appropriate portion sizes [16] of vegetables, fruits, protein, carbs, and seeds and dressings, preventing you from overeating and making meeting your daily calorie goal easier.

Eat More of These Foods

One food that's great for helping you lose weight is water-filled vegetables, because they tend to be low in calories and help you stay regular so you can relieve bloat [17], Ilana said. Some great examples are tomatoes, cucumbers, and courgettes (like zoodles [18]), which are rich in potassium, which Ilana said can help you release any water retention you are carrying in your stomach.

Vermont-based registered dietitian and nutritionist Maddie Kinzly, MS, LD, told POPSUGAR in a previous interview that you should aim to eat foods in the form most closely found in nature because they're "loaded with healthy vitamins, minerals, and fibre to keep you full."

Get Your Fill of Fibre

Getting your fill of fibre is also important for weight loss, and an easy way to do that is to increase your intake of all veggies [19]. Studies show that vegetarians [20] (and, even more so, vegans) have lower bodyweight [21], Seattle-based registered dietitian, nutritionist, and Arivale coach [22] Ginger Hultin, MS, told POPSUGAR in a previous interview. That's because plant-based foods like vegetables are high in fibre, and research shows that women who followed a higher-fibre diet were at a reduced likelihood of having an increased waist circumference [23].

Aim to get at least 25 grams of fibre [24], which Ilana said can help keep you regular and relieve belly bloat.

Go for soluble fibre [25]; it dissolves in water and gastrointestinal fluids and creates a gel-like substance that mixes with other partially digested food in your small intestine. "This gel that forms slows digestion in the body [26], which keeps you feeling full for longer [27]," registered dietitian Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, MS, told POPSUGAR in a previous interview. Go for foods like oat bran, barley, lentils (like this recipe for maple cumin lentils over spaghetti squash [28]), beans, and some fruits and vegetables such as cauliflower, apples, and citrus fruits.

Go For Protein

Ilana suggests getting your fill of daily protein from a variety of whole food sources. Protein needs vary depending on your weight and level of activity, but getting enough daily protein is proven to satiate your hunger [29] so you eat less, helping you lose weight.

How much do you need? Registered dietitian and ACSM-certified personal trainer Jim White told POPSUGAR in a previous interview that the standard dietary reference for protein intake is approximately 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight [30]. That means for a 150-pound woman (68 kilograms), you should aim to get around 54 grams of protein.

If you have trouble meeting your daily amount, Ilana suggested making a protein shake with added fibre from ingredients like flax meal, chia seeds, beans, and avocado. Enjoy it for breakfast, or for a snack. Try this recipe for a clementine protein smoothie [31] — it offers over 27 grams of protein and over nine grams of filling fibre.

Reduce Stress

Ilana said it's a good idea to avoid stress eating in general. How does stress affect your weight? "Stress releases a hormone called cortisol," Erica Patel, MD, of the University of Southern California, told POPSUGAR in a previous interview. "[The release of cortisol] causes high blood sugar levels by promoting the breakdown of protein stores into glucose to be used as fuel.

Over time, persistently high levels of cortisol [32] seen in stress promote the storage of excess glucose as fat in the abdomen, causing belly fat [33]." Not to mention that the food you tend to reach for when you're stressed is typically high calorie and nutrient poor.

Instead of reaching for a sleeve of Oreos, find better coping strategies for dealing with stress. When you're anxious, upset, or feeling overwhelmed, try taking a walk, doing yoga [34] or another workout, calling a friend, or journaling.

Avoid These Foods

As we mentioned, the foods we tend to reach for when we're stressed are typically higher in fat, refined carbohydrates, and sugar, which can be addictive and lead to excess weight gain [35]. Therefore, Ilana said it's a good idea to keep these trigger foods out of sight and out of mind and not buy and bring them home, especially during stressful times.

Susan Peirce Thompson [36], a psychology professor with a PhD in brain and cognitive sciences, who studied why certain people's brains block them from losing weight, explained in her book Bright Line Eating [37] that sugar elevates insulin levels [38], which block the hormone leptin and overload your dopamine receptors, which leads to insatiable cravings. So eating less sugar will help you crave it less.

Aside from being high in calories, these foods also affect your insulin levels. Jason Fung, MD, a nephrologist (kidney specialist), explained that processed carbs and sugary foods such as ice cream, cookies, crackers, and regular pasta spike your insulin levels [39]. Keeping your insulin levels low [40] will help you reduce your overall body fat percentage.

While enjoying these foods every once in a while is fine (and necessary for your sanity!), find healthier ways to satisfy your sweet tooth. "I find it handy to keep fruit on hand when sugar cravings hit," NYC-based registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Rachel Stahl, MS, CDN, told POPSUGAR in a previous interview. "Fruits are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation throughout the body." You can also turn frozen fruit into ice cream [41]. Noshing on these lower-sugar, lower-calorie foods is an easy habit to help with your lean-body goals.

Set Your Kitchen Up For Success

Out of sight, out of mind, right? So clear the countertops of boxes of cereal, bags of chips, cookie jars, and bowls of candy, Ilana suggested. If it's not there, you won't be tempted to reach for it. Replace it with things that can be helpful immediately when you're feeling hungry, like bowls of bananas, pears, apples, clementines, or containers of cherry tomatoes.

Inspire your healthy lifestyle by having things out in plain view that keep you thinking about your goals. Ilana suggested creating a tea or coffee station, or a smoothie station [42] to keep on your counter. Or hang up a chalkboard displaying your healthy dinner plan and workouts for the week. All these things will inspire you to make healthy choices.

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