What You Should Be Adding to Your Salads to Feel Full, According to a Dietitian

09/07/2018 - 06:20 PM

A post shared by Claudia T. Felty, Phd, RD (@drclaudiatfelty) [1] on

Raise your hand if you've ever been guilty of ordering or making a boring salad [2]? Opting for light or no dressing, no cheese, etc. may cut calories, but then you're deprived of flavour, and you only end up feeling satiated for a couple hours. Sound familiar?

Claudia T. Felty [3], PhD, RD, shared an Instagram photo showing the difference between a "silly" and "smart" salad. On the left is a plain salad that's low on calories and fat, while the one on the right includes protein, fats, carbs, additional veggies, and salad dressing. It's clear which one looks more delicious and healthy.

"Funny thing is you need the fat to digest the fat soluble vitamins in the salad," Claudia wrote in her caption. "So eating all those plain carrots doesn't do you a whole lot of good if you're hoping to absorb all that vitamin A."

Plus, your stripped salad will actually work against you later in the day when you're still hungry. You're more likely to snack, so you might as well just do it right the first time around. Here's Claudia's yummy recipe: salad mix, grape tomatoes, courgette, roasted corn, avocado, Cajun shrimp, sesame seeds, and salad dressing of choice.

"When you want a salad, make a satisfying one," she wrote.

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