Jillian Michaels Designed This 7-Minute Video Workout to Get Lean and Blast Belly Fat

If you want to burn belly fat [1], unfortunately spot reducing isn't an option [2], Jillian Michaels told POPSUGAR. "Reducing overall body fat will help you decrease belly fat [3] as well as a diet that is clean," Jillian said. It should be low in processed sugars, flours, and alcohol, and calorie-controlled to prevent overeating. To figure out your ideal calorie target [4] and nutritional needs, we recommend speaking to a registered dietitian. She also said, "Keep sodium down to avoid water retention and drink water to flush out excess water weight."

Of course, you can also exercise to reduce your overall body fat [5]. "You'll want to condition the muscles under the fat so when you lose that top layer, your tummy is toned," Jillian explained. She said to focus on functional exercises that work multiple muscle groups like push-ups [6], mountain climbers, planks [7], and lunges to burn calories and condition your core.

Don't worry, we won't leave you hanging! Here's a belly fat circuit workout designed by Jillian that comes from her new app, My Fitness by Jillian Michaels [9]. Jillian explained she combines HIIT intervals [10] into strength and conditioning circuits. "There is no rest in between exercises so your heart rate stays up and time isn't wasted," she said. "These exercises incorporate multiple muscle groups and utilise bodyweight and free weight resistance training to maximise efficiency and condition core muscles." Let's do this!

Jillian Michaels Belly Fat Workout Circuit 1

Equipment needed: 2 lightweight dumbbells

Directions: After warming up for five minutes [11], repeat this circuit workout twice. For the side plank pops, do the left side the first time through, then on the right side on the second round. At the end, do this five-minute stretching routine [12].

Exercises Time
Forward Lunges with Dumbbell Chop 25 seconds
Plankups 25 seconds
Side Plank Pops 25 seconds
Lateral Burpees 25 seconds
Hollowman Hold 25 seconds)

Forward Lunges With Dumbbell Chop


Side Plank Pops

Lateral Burpees:

Hollowman Hold:

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