John Krasinski Dishes on Working Out With The Rock: His Gym Is Like an "Alien Spaceship"

28/11/2018 - 06:35 PM

Ever wonder what it's like to work out with Dwayne Johnson [1]? Well, according to John Krasinski [2], it's comparable to being in an "alien spaceship" filled with foreign equipment, he admitted during a recent appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres [3] Show. Ha, why are we not surprised?

Earlier this year, John became close workout pals with The Rock while his wife, Emily Blunt [4], filmed Disney's Jungle Cruise [5] with Dwayne. Between his acting duties, The Rock squeezed in intense workouts in his travelling private gym, which he calls Iron Paradise because it houses a whopping 50,000 pounds of iron [6]. No one had ever been in the tent-like gym besides Dwayne — until the actor decided to extend a rare invitation to John.

"I walked in, and it was like alien spaceships had landed," John told Ellen of the portable workout area. "He has 40 pieces of equipment that I've never seen in my life." John went on to detail how misusing an unfamiliar leg machine dubbed the Pit Shark landed him with a kink in his neck for three weeks. Despite this, he became increasingly comfortable in Dwayne's Iron Paradise, and the two regularly crushed workouts together until filming wrapped.

Hear what else John dished about The Rock's travelling gym ahead, and keep reading to peek inside the infamous Iron Paradise.

Take a Look Inside Dwayne's Travelling Private Gym

It's Pretty Darn Spacious

My Arms Are Quivering Just Looking at All Those Weights

John and The Rock Did the Murph Challenge Together on Memorial Day

The Intense Workout Honoured Members of the Military

Here's Another Peek Inside the Enormous Portable Gym

Holy Glutes!

Hey Dwayne, Where's Our Invite?

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