Get Rock Hard Abs With This Trainer's 10-Minute "Intense Burn" Strengthening Circuit

19/08/2019 - 05:06 PM

The next time you want to challenge yourself and your ab strength, grab a yoga mat and do SWEAT app [1] and NASM-certified trainer Kelsey Wells's [2] 10-minute ab burn workout.

This at-home, equipment-free circuit was inspired by Kelsey's PWR at Home program, and it will improve your core strength and help you sculpt a six-pack if that's what you're after.

The moves are classic ab exercises but with minimal rest; your core is going to be shaking after a few reps. If you're ready to blast your abs and get stronger, check out the workout ahead.

The 10-Minute Ab Burn Workout

Kelsey said to perform this workout as a circuit, which means you will complete each exercise for 40 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest, and then progress to the following exercise. Once you've completed one round of all three exercises, take 30 seconds of rest. Repeat for a total of three rounds.

Spiderman Plank


Intermediate Seated Russian Twist

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