Build a Big Booty With This 3-Move Bodyweight Workout

29/08/2018 - 01:33 AM

If you want a firm, round, large butt, you've got to put in the work. You know how the saying goes: if you don't use it, you lose it. Vanity aside, having strong glutes will reduce your risk of developing dormant butt syndrome [1] and associated lower-back pain; will improve your athletic performance in activities like sprinting, long-distance running, and plyometric exercises; and can even prevent and alleviate knee pain [2]. Convinced? Good.

To help you strengthen your glutes [3] and sculpt a sexy booty while you're at it, I created a three-move bodyweight workout [4] you can do anywhere. Before you get started, be sure to warm up with exercises like butt kicks [5], high knees [6], glute bridges [7], and plank walkouts [8].

The Workout:

After warming up, perform each exercise with little or no rest between moves, resting 90 seconds between rounds. Complete a total of five rounds, then cool down with three minutes of stretching.

Keep reading for a detailed explanation of the exercises.

Walking Lunges

Step Ups

Single Leg Bridge

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