No Matter Where You're Tight, We Have a Stretch For You

27/06/2018 - 02:45 AM

Stress can leave you tight. Challenging workouts can leave you tight. Long, hard runs can leave you tight. Heck, just sitting at your desk or driving for a long time can leave you tight! Since so many activities can leave your muscles tight, you need to give them a little extra TLC and stretch. But you don't just want to stretch a cold muscle! Save these muscle-lengthening moves for when your body is warmed up, like after a walk, hike, bike ride, or run. We've organised them by body part, so you can easily find the stretch your body needs.

Hamstrings: Active Stretch

Hamstrings: Modified Hurdler Stretch

This basic stretch is perfect for targeting one leg at a time, and is great for those with really tight hamstrings.

Hamstrings: Tipover Tuck

This stretch is good for your hamstrings and also loosens tight shoulders.

Hamstrings: Scissor Stretch

Easy to do anywhere and safe for injured backs, this hamstring stretch is great if you're really tight.

Hamstrings: Standing Stretch

If the previous stretch isn't deep enough for you, then try this variation. It's perfect for doing on a bench after a run in the park.

Hamstrings: Seated Forward Bend

Keeping the back straight, rather than rounding toward your legs, emphasizes the lengthening in the back of the legs.

Hamstrings: Reclined Stretch

Here's a relaxing way to stretch one hamstring at a time.

Glutes: Seated Twist

This classic glute stretch is a modification of the Seated Twist yoga pose [1]. With less emphasis on twisting the spine, you can really focus on lengthening the glute muscles.

Glutes: Seated Leg Cradle

This stretch is great for TV time and can really loosen up tight hips, too.

Glutes: Supine Cow Stretch

This stretch is a modified version of a seated yoga pose known as Cow Face [2]. When lying on your back, you can better control the amount of pressure and stretch you want.

Glutes and Piriformis: Figure Four

This stretch targets the piriformis, which technically isn't part of the muscle group known as the glutes, but it's in the area and it gets tight.

Glutes and Piriformis: Modified Pigeon

If your hips are tight, this stretch will start to loosen up your glutes and smaller muscles around the back of the hip.

Low-Back and Glute Release

If your glutes are super tight and sore, this position will feel like a big stretch. On an average day, though, it might just feel like a gentle release for the lower back and butt.

Glutes and Low Back: Lying Twist

This stretch feels great for the low back, but the configuration of the legs intensifies the stretch for the glutes.

Back: Child's Pose With Reach

Back: Cat-Cow Pose

Back: Standing Side Bend

Quads: Lying Side Stretch

This is a great stretch if you have knee issues or if you'd rather recline than stand up:

Quads: Standing Stretch

Quads: Kneeling Stretch

For a slightly different effect from the standing and reclined stretches, this kneeling quad stretch loosens the muscles right above your knee especially well.

Shoulder: Deltoid Stretch

Neck: Behind-the-Back Stretch

Pecs: Chest Opener

Shoulders: Wall Child's Pose

Shoulders and Chest: Seated Heart Opener

Neck: Seated Release

You can do this gentle stretch standing, too.

Neck and Upper Back: Seated Hand Behind Head

Neck and Shoulders: Grounded Tipover Tuck

IT Band: Cross Legs With Twist

Hip Flexors: Runner's Lunge

Hip Flexors: Lunge With Reach and Twist

Adding the reach and rotation increase the stretch.

Hip Flexors: Roller Psoas Stretch

This is a passive, relaxing stretch that lengthens your psoas, one of the deep hip flexors.

Triceps: Elbow Up Stretch

Inner Thighs: Straddle Stretch

Inner Thighs: Straddle Stretch at the Wall

This is a deep, passive stretch that targets the inner thighs and is great after a long, hard workout.

Calves: Wall Stretch

This is a classic calf stretch that you can do just about anywhere.

Calves: Downward Dog

Calves: Seated Toe Stretch

Calves: Toe Up Curb Stretch

Calves and Shoulder: Wall Stretch

This stretch is a great multitasking stretch that opens the shoulders as well as the calves.

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