These Lower Ab Exercises Will Make You So Sore, It'll Hurt to Laugh!

07/03/2018 - 05:02 PM

Work your core with these intense moves [1] that specifically target the lower abs. Um, we're sorry, but you'll definitely be sore tomorrow. Avoid anything funny at all costs, because it'll hurt to laugh!

Scissor Abs

Towel Abs

Elbow Plank

Double Crunch

Lower Trunk Twist

Knee Driver

Half Banana

Tabletop to Pike

Plank With Bunny Hop

Ball Pike to Plank

Kneeling Ball Roll Out

Reverse Crunch

Ball Pass


V Crunch

Double Crunch Pulse With Medicine Ball

Bicycle Crunches

Coordination Fly

Butterfly Crunch

T-Cross Sit-Up

High Knees

Kick Crunch

Boat Pose

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