Blast Away Lower-Belly Fat With These 18 Core Exercises

18/07/2018 - 08:02 PM

Lower-belly fat is a common problem area for people looking to flatten their bellies and tighten their core. Although you can't specifically spot target fat loss [1] — as you lose weight, you can't control which fat cells shrink from which body parts — you can target specific muscles with certain exercises.

To lose weight overall, it's important to eat a healthy diet in a calorie deficit [2], incorporate cardio [3] and HIIT exercise [4], and strength train your whole body [5]. But if you're looking to strengthen your lower ab muscles specifically, these 18 exercises are a great place to start. Best part? Most of them are equipment-free so you can do them right at home.

Towel Abs

You don't need disc sliders for this exercise; just grab a pair of towels and get to work.

Elbow Plank

This tried-and-true ab exercise will target all your abdominal muscles.

Knee Driver

You'll feel the burn — in your abs and shoulders — from this bodyweight exercise, which also adds a boost of cardio.

Plank With Knee Taps

This seemingly simple exercise will get your deeps abs burning.

Twisting Mountain Climber

Get ready to obliterate your obliques with the ultimate core move. Mountain climbers are especially great because they provide intense cardio also. Start in plank position and prepare to burn some major calories.

Side Plank

An effective way to carve and strengthen your deep front and side muscles is side planks. Fire up your obliques and arms at the same time.

Reverse Crunch

This move targets your lower portion of your abs specifically. Aim for 15 reps and at least two sets.

Scissor Kick

Like reverse crunches, these target your lower belly and will strengthen your core.

Double Leg Lift

On top of working your abs and obliques, this move also doubles as a great thigh toner. Plus it's a great modification if for hanging leg raises [7], too.

Bicycle Crunch

This tried-and-true core move targets your entire abdominal wall, so the lower part of your abs is definitely getting worked.

Ball Pike to Plank

This killer move focuses on your lower abs as the bottom half of your body is in full control of the ball. First things first: make sure the ball is sized to your body; you should be able to sit on the ball with 90-degree angles at your hips and knees. If you don't have an exercise ball, use two sliders or paper plates on carpet to slide up to pike position.

High Knees

You may think this move only targets your lower body, but it will fire up your core, too. Plus, it will give you a burst of cardio to get your heart rate up.

Russian Twists

Add weights to Russian twists to blast your front ab muscles, transverse ab muscles, lower back, and obliques.

Low to High Woodchop

This exercise works your core, shoulders, back, traps, and arms, all while helping you build muscular endurance. Bonus: your heart rate will stay elevated, which means you're torching calories.


Although this move is a little more advanced, it will make your lower abs burn. Try to lift your upper body up off the floor as much as possible so your arms meet your knees.

V Crunch

Fire up your lower abs with this go-to bodyweight core exercise. Try to lift your upper back off the floor so your hands touch your feet.

Hanging Leg Raise

Master this advanced move, and you'll have those lower abs showing in no time. To modify, you can do this move with bent knees.

Battle Ropes

Using battle ropes is a fantastic full-body exercise: in addition to forcing you to engage your core, your entire body will need to kick into gear to stabilize you. On top of that, your heart rate will shoot up which helps burn calories. Here are two variations to start with.

Try to do three sets, with rest in between. Each week, challenge yourself by extending the time of each set.

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