This SNL Skit Sums Up What Your Workout Leggings Are REALLY Used For, and I'm Howling

This one is for all my fellow leggings-lovers out there! Yes, there are the brave souls who use their leggings for the athletic purposes [1] they're intended for, but right now I'm speaking to the hardcore loungers. As Saturday Night Live [2]'s hilarious skit reminded me, we're a community and we're. . . strong?

During this week's episode, the show poked fun at those incredibly empowering Nike commercials that we know and love, by offering the option some of us really want: the Pro-Chiller leggings. They're designed for actual feats of endurance but "used for what most women actually do in leggings," because they're not just pants [3]. They're pyjamas. They're a napkin. Plus, let's not forget, your leggings need to be able to withstand some serious heat for those "couch panini" nights. That one hits, really, really close to home.

So, let's raise a glass of whatever is within arms reach, to the ladies who rock leggings in races or on various soft surfaces in their home [4]. Kate McKinnon said it best, "Women can do anything they want — and I want to do nothing." I'll stand up and toast y'all when I get up from this couch, just give me a few more hours.

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