Doing Paleo? Get the Skinny on What You Can and Can't Eat

21/02/2018 - 05:35 PM

The Paleo diet [1], based on the dietary habits of our cave-dwelling ancestors, is trending on the diet front. Although weight loss is an added bonus, the real goal of Paleo is to maximize the efficiency of the human body, body composition, and metabolic effects. It does this by eliminating things that our ancestors didn't eat, like legumes, cereal grains, refined sugar, dairy, potatoes, processed foods, refined vegetable oils, alcohol, refined sweeteners (like honey), and added salt.

But the list of foods you can eat on Paleo is more extensive [2] than one would think. This makes creating meals less daunting, although you need to prep and plan, and also allows for those on Paleo to eat a variety of foods. (Because food boredom means cravings and cravings mean hangry and hangry means . . . well, you get it.) And while there are a lot of foods that can be eaten on Paleo and are delicious when prepared the right way, be prepared to give up some of your favorites, like alcohol and peanut butter, for maximum results.

If you're thinking about going Paleo, check out this complete list of things you can eat and others that you can't.

What to Eat: Meat and Protein

Choose organic, pasture-raised, grass-fed meats whenever possible.

What to Eat: Seafood

What to Eat: Vegetables

*Starchy vegetables should be eaten in moderation.

What to Eat: Fruits

Be sure to watch your sugar intake and eat high-sugar fruits in moderation.

What to Eat: Nuts and Seeds

What to Eat: Fats and Oils

What to Eat: Flavorings

What Not to Eat: Dairy

What Not to Eat: Beverages

What Not to Eat: Grains

What Not to Eat: Legumes

Other Foods to Avoid

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