You'll Feel the Burn During This 6-Minute Bodyweight Ab Workout (and For Days After!)

25/10/2018 - 05:04 PM

There are two reasons bodyweight moves [1] are great exercises: for one, they are super effective at strengthening your entire body, and you can get stronger by doing different variations of exercises or increasing the amount of reps. And two, because they require no equipment (except you and the floor), you can do them any time, anywhere. Here's a quick six-move bodyweight workout devoted to strengthening your core.

6-Minute Bodyweight Ab Workout

Directions: Complete the six ab exercises below for 45 seconds, then take a 15-second rest.

    Keep reading for details on how to do each move.

    Seated Russian Twist

    Double Leg Lift

    Hip Raise With Leg Extension

    Knee Driver

    Pilates Scissors


    Post-Workout Stretch: Cobra Pose

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