Stuck in a Weight-Loss Plateau? These 4 Reasons Could Be Why

05/12/2018 - 04:39 PM
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A post shared by Sam Frohlich (@samfrohlich_coach) [2]

So you're hitting the gym every day [3], tracking your food [4], and getting plenty of sleep [5], but the scale still won't budge — what gives? If you have been losing weight steadily but suddenly find the scale stuck at a standstill, you could be in a weight-loss plateau [6].

As personal trainer and fitness coach Sam Frohlich (@sam_xceedfit [8]) explained in an Instagram post, there could be several reasons you are stuck:

Sam said to "basically do the opposite of the things in this infographic." Be mindful of everything you eat, and track every single bite. You should still be within your daily calorie target (to find out what that should be for weight loss, use this formula [9]). If you mostly do cardio for workouts, incorporate strength training. And if you have lost your weight-loss mojo, here are some tips to stay motivated [10].

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