Drift Off to a Sweet Slumber With This 10-Minute Relaxing Yoga Sequence

24/01/2019 - 05:20 PM

It's time to slip on your jammies, light some candles, put on some chill music, and find a dark, quiet space. Take 10 minutes to close your eyes and stretch and breathe as you flow through this simple before-bed yoga sequence. You'll feel lighter and calmer after melting away mental stress and muscle tension [1]. After this sequence, be prepared to feel completely relaxed [2] and ready to pull on the covers and drift away to dreamland.

Child's Pose

Cat Cow

Relaxed Down Dog

Open Lizard

Open Revolved Extended Side Angle


Shoulder-Opening Spinal Twist

Seated Straddle


Happy Baby

Knee to Chest

Lying Spinal Twist

Half Wheel


You might want to do this final pose under the covers!

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