This Is the 1 Life-Changing Running Accessory I Never Leave Home Without

21/05/2019 - 01:25 PM

I'm not embarrassed to admit that I'm 100 percent a fair-weather runner. So when the warmer Spring weather finally blew through Vermont a few weeks ago, it totally inspired me to head outside and start trail running [1] again. I love the freedom of running free over roots and streams, trekking up actual hills [2] (it's way more fun than the treadmill incline!), watching my two dogs run alongside me, and feeling the wind and sun on my skin.

What I don't love is the very real fear that a bear could cross my path. I guess I'm living on the edge, though, as there have been several bear sightings in my neighbourhood, but that hasn't stopped me! I can't let a little ol' bear (or a humongous, protective mama bear with bear cubs) scare me from getting in the runs I need for my mental health.

What I learned from a trail guide is that bears are scared of noise, and their tip was to sing while I run (uh, no thanks) or to listen to my music really loud. So instead of using headphones, I keep my phone on speaker, but I didn't want to bother with holding my phone in my hand. That's when I tried this new SPI running belt that has a built-in window [3] ($30). Here's what I love about it.

I'm not a fan of armbands because they tend to slip and feel tight and annoying when I run, so I love that this running belt stays comfortably on my waist. I like to spin the phone around so it sits on the right side of my lower back. When I want to access the smart-touch-compatible window, I just spin it around to the front.

Where to Buy the SPI Running Belt With Window

Buy the SPI Running Belt With Window [4] ($30) at SPIBelt.com [5].

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