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Self-Care Ideas Using Mason Jar

How to Use a Mason Jar to Make You Feel Happy and Stress-Free

You made a promise to do more self-care, but you've had a hard time following through. Making time for you won't happen unless you carve out the time. And guess what, you can use a mason jar to make it happen (so very Pinterest of you!).

Cut out strips of paper and write down all your favorite self-care ideas. Then you decide how you want to play this little self-care game. Start a new routine where you choose one every day, choose one a week, or maybe three on a weekend. Do it in a way that feels fun and easy. Here are some ideas you can write down. (Note: I color-coded the paper so white means you can do it at home and pink means you have to do it somewhere else).

  • Read under a blanket on the couch.
  • Get a pedicure (or do it yourself).
  • Do a face mask.
  • Call a friend.
  • Spend time outside.
  • Watch a funny movie with a big bowl of popcorn.
  • Clean or declutter a room.
  • Take yourself on a date.
  • Do something crafty.
  • Create a delicious, nourishing meal.
  • Meet an old friend for coffee.
  • Go grocery shopping for healthy food.
  • Take a long bubble bath.
  • Sit in the sauna or hot tub.
  • Bake or cook a special recipe.
  • Write down your goals and what you're thankful for in a journal.
  • Do some yoga and deep breathing.
  • Have an orgasm.
  • Do a body scrub.
  • Make that doctor's appointment you've been putting off.
  • Meditate.
  • Spend time snuggling with a pet or loved one.
  • Plan out your workouts for the week.
  • Pay your bills.
  • Take time to meal prep.
  • Get a massage.
  • Listen to music, play an instrument, or sing.
  • Get sweaty.
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