I Dedicated a Whole Weekend to Self-Care, and Damn, It Felt Good

31/05/2018 - 12:52 AM

Raise your hand if you've ever felt ashamed of binge-watching your favourite series, taking a midday nap, or turning down plans because you're exhausted. Same, but it shouldn't be this way! We all need to stop feeling guilty for putting ourselves first. We talk about self-care [1] so much, and yet not everyone puts it into practice. It's more than just a buzzword; it's essential to good overall health. And as we've recently learned, self-care involves [2] physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, and professional maintenance. I admittedly lack in some areas, which is why I decided to reclaim my weekend to give myself whatever I most needed. Here's why it was the best thing I could've done for myself.

Going into the weekend with the mindset that I was going to focus on myself helped me feel empowered to make "selfish" decisions. It eliminated the internal debate that I usually have with myself: Should I? No, I shouldn't . . . Instead, I set the rules and didn't feel apologetic for doing things I wanted to do or skipping out on what I didn't want to do. By the time Monday came around, I felt refreshed and ready to go. It was exactly the reset I needed. Take a look at my self-care weekend below.




The great thing about self-care is that there's no right or wrong way of going about it. The most important thing is to give yourself what you need most, whether that's self-love, a stress outlet, or sleep. There are endless ways you can practice personal wellness [6], but I highly recommend that you dedicate your next weekend (and maybe even every weekend) to living a happier and more fulfiling life.

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