15 Simple Yet Effective Ab Exercises You Can Do at Home

09/06/2018 - 12:00 PM

A superbusy lifestyle means that you can't always make it to the gym — but at-home workouts [1] don't always have to be a drag. You can work out your core and build a good set of abs in the process by working out in your bedroom, living room, or anywhere in your home. No matter how busy your day, you can always sneak a quick ab workout [2] into your routine. You'll be seeing results in no time.

Ready to mix up your routine? We've rounded up 15 easy and challenging ab workouts you can do without leaving your home.

Seated Russian Twist

You can do this quick ab exercise in your living room.


Test out your balance and build a strong core with V-sits.

Pilates Scissor

You don't need any fancy equipment to work on sculpting sexy abs.

Reverse Crunch

Tackle your lower abs with this fun variation of a crunch.

Bicycle Crunches

Couldn't make it to the gym? Grab your mat and work out your upper abdominals and side obliques.

Crunchy Frog

Feel bad about not making it to the gym? This fun move will have you sweating up a storm.

Resistance Band Flutter Kicks

If resistance bands [3] are your thing, you'll love this move. Create a spacious environment in your living room, and get going!

Double Crunch

A quiet night at home isn't complete without a quick sweat session to let out your stress. This ab workout targets your lower abs and core.

Toe-Touch Crunches

Missed your after-work gym sesh? You can still make big progress on your dream abs with this variation of a crunch.

Basic Crunch

Nothing wrong with sticking to the classics. This old favourite is easy to do on your bedroom floor.

Half Banana

Why hit the gym when you can transform your home into a custom ab class?

T-Cross Sit-Up

You'll feel that amazing burn, even if you didn't make it to the gym.

Twisting Side Plank

Your side abs will look better than ever with this twisting side plank.

Double Leg Lifts

Make use of that mat you have stored in your bedroom closet and work on creating a stronger core.

Pilates Swimming

Your posture and core will thank you for breaking into this quick and easy workout.

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