Learn the Basics and Build Muscle With This 5-Move Total-Body Dumbbell Workout

15/01/2019 - 12:55 PM

If your goal is to dominate your weightlifting workouts [1], you've got to first master the basics. Doing so will ensure you've nailed down the proper technique (which is more important than how heavy you lift) and, at the end of the day, put you in the best position to build muscle [2].

This five-move total-body workout is simple — you aren't grabbing a bunch of equipment, and it contains movements you do every day — but let me be clear: simple is not synonymous with easy. I guarantee your muscles will be sore for a few days after you finish this workout.

The Beginner Dumbbell Workout

Before getting started, it's imperative you make sure you complete a dynamic warmup to get your muscles warm and prevent injury. Here's one of our favourites [3]. Grab a pair of 10-pound dumbbells; if this is too light or too heavy for any of the exercises, adjust the weight. Here's a thorough guide to selecting the right weight [4]. Complete the listed sets and reps for each exercise before proceeding to the next exercise. Take no more than one minute of rest in between each exercise. Don't forget to cool down and stretch after the workout [5].

Dumbbell Squat

Dumbbell Deadlift

Dumbbell Walking Lunges

Single-Arm Row

Dumbbell Bench Press

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