To Ease Tightness After a CrossFit Class, I Always Do These 3 Stretches

10/04/2018 - 09:41 PM

After most CrossFit classes [1], my body feels pretty destroyed — in a good way! So after putting away my barbell, kettlebell, and box, the yoga instructor in me takes a few minutes to do these three essential stretches. They give my heart rate a chance to regulate, calm my mind, and ease any pain or tightness.

Seated Straddle

Why I do it: This stretch feels so good! It's great for easing the tight hips, hamstrings, and lower back I often feel after box jumps and heavy lifting, especially deadlifts [2] and snatches.


Why I do it: A basic yoga pose, Pigeon is one of the most effective hip openers, allowing me to focus on one hip at a time.

Tabletop Bridge

Why I do it: I crave a good wrist stretch after front and back squats and this also stretches the shoulders, perfect for getting better at my overhead squat [3].

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