Ease Your Bloated Tummy With These 8 Simple, Soothing Stretches

15/12/2020 - 10:35 AM

Since many of the holiday dishes we eat may be richer or sweeter than we're used to, it can cause some major discomfort in the tummy department. We also tend to overeat, as we're celebrating with family and friends and because the food is just so damn good! If you're experiencing bloating, gas pains, or general discomfort from eating too much, here are some gentle stretches you can do to ease digestion.

One-Legged Spinal Twist

This simple twist promotes digestion.

Happy Baby

This simple pose allows your belly to relax.

Spinal Twist

Twisting always helps get things moving.


Here's another great stretch for the belly.


Putting a little gentle pressure on your belly might help encourage digestion.

Related: Bloated? These Foods May Be the Culprits [1]

Extended Wide Squat

This relaxing yoga pose can help relieve gas pains.

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

The folding motion in pose squeezes the belly, which moves things along for digestion.

Seated Heart Opener Pose

This simple pose [2] will help stretch your belly, which can help relieve gas pains.

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