The 6-Step Guide to Getting Lean and Strong (Even If You're Busy!)

07/11/2018 - 03:35 PM

You're ready! Today is the day you start taking care of yourself so you can get in shape and feel stronger both emotionally and physically. That sounds great, but how do you get started? Fitness trainer and fat-loss coach Ivica Fridrih (@ivicafridrih [1] on Instagram) shared these six principles [2] to help you get in better shape while still enjoying your life. He said, "Whether you want to lose fat or build muscle, the principles are mostly the same," so whatever your goals, these six are a must!

Know Your Calorie Target

A "slight calorie deficit" is key here, Ivica said, not a huge one. This needs to be a daily calorie amount you can sustain. If you cut too many calories, you'll be too tired to work out, feel hungry all the time, and most likely be constantly thinking about food. What's worse, you'll be more likely to give up. Ivica added, "the process might take longer but you'll find it much more enjoyable and efficient."

You can calculate your calorie deficit [4] by multiplying your bodyweight by 10 to 12. Your caloric intake should fall somewhere within these numbers.

Another way to calculate your calorie deficit [5] is to figure out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure, which is the number of calories your body burns each day) and subtract 500 calories. Make sure you're always eating more than 1,200 calories each day, even more if you're working out regularly.

Eat Enough Protein

What's great about eating lean proteins like fish, tofu [6], eggs, or chicken is that they help you feel satisfied after meals and stay satiated longer. They also help you build and maintain muscle, which burns more calories and provides you with lots of energy. Aim to get 0.8 to 1.5 grams of lean protein per pound of bodyweight [7] to build lean muscle and aid in recovery after workouts.

Prioritize Lifting Weights

"Doing resistance training, specifically strength training will help you to build or maintain your current muscle mass," which you need to burn fat and get stronger. Start off with twice a week, then NASM-certified personal trainer Sam Altieri [8] said to build up to three to four sessions a week [9]. Use a variety of equipment including kettlebells, dumbbells [10], barbells, and your own bodyweight [11]. Don't be afraid to lift heavy [12] — it won't make you bulky, it'll help you get lean and toned.

Set a Daily Step Target

Moving more and staying active throughout the day (not just during your hour-long morning workout) will not only burn more daily calories but will also make you feel more energetic and prevent muscle aches if you have a job where you sit most of the day.

"Setting up a daily step target and going for walks will definitely help you burn more calories while not demanding too much of physical effort," Ivica said. Aim for around 10,000 steps daily [13], or track your current steps, and try and continue to add more than you're getting.

Get Enough Quality Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can make it harder to lose weight [14] because it increases your hunger hormones, which increases your cravings, making you eat more the next day. Shut off the TV, your phone, and your lights at a reasonable hour. Try to make sleep and wake happen at the same time, and get seven to eight hours every night.

Be Flexible With Your Diet

Eliminating whole food groups or your favourite foods will only make you miserable and make you crave them more; the restrict-crave-binge cycle is tough to break and won't help you lose weight. Registered dietitian Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD, of Whole Health Nutrition [15], agrees and told POPSUGAR that the biggest weight-loss mistake is cutting out too much. Some people feel like they need to stop eating everything that's "bad" for weight loss, like candy, cookies, and French fries, but that kind of diet is impossible to sustain.

Ivica said, "Being able to fit in your favourite foods will make the whole dieting experience much easier and you'll also find yourself bingeing less frequently." Stop the vicious cycle with the 80/20 approach to eating [16]: eating healthy, whole foods about 80 percent of the time and 20 percent indulgence foods you love.

"These 6 principles are basically the most important things you need to take care of to get in a better shape while still enjoying life," Ivica said.

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